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Various SEO factors must be combined to achieve a high ranking position in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). We have listed 6 steps that should be part of any successful search engine optimization.

6 Steps to SEO

Step 1: Offsite SEO Analysis

A thorough keyword analysis is the foundation of all search engine optimization drives. Additionally, this step includes competitor analysis, links (internal and external), social media visibility, and international and multilingual use of the site.

Step 2: Optimizing Technical SEO

Optimizing Technical SEO is about the correct use of relevant SEO tags such as title tags, meta descriptions, and heading tags. Moreover, improving page load speed and structured data usage in the website design also have serious impact on SEO ranking. In addition, it should include verification that search engines can index all relevant pages. 

Step 3: Usability Test

The usability of the website is evaluated in this step. The website should be user-friendly when accessed from a desktop PC as well as a mobile device. The usability of a website from smartphones has become very important these days. One may find the evidence of this fact by studying the behaviour of the users and also several new recommendations provided by Google in recent months. 

Step 4: Link Building

In this step, information from off-site analysis is used as a basis for improving the quantity and quality of external links. 

Step 5: Content Marketing

It’s easy for users to share and link to high-quality content. For this reason, content marketing is an important part of any SEO strategy. 

Step 6: Social Media Marketing

A website’s visibility on social media has the same positive effect on search engine rankings as backlinks. Therefore, social media marketing should be a part of successful SEO optimization along with all previous steps. 

It takes 6 steps to reach the top. Usually, results are visible after 6 months. The more effort you put in on SEO, the quicker you’ll notice an improvement! So stick to it. 

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